Send Emails in Laravel Using Google Mail

In this example, we will create a simple contact form. When users submit those details instead of storing those data we will directly send it to the responsible person using Google Mail. Sending an email is an essential part of every web application and there are plenty of ways or services to send E-mail in

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How to Clear Cache Using Artisan Command In Laravel?

Laravel provides in-built functionality for caching. A cache is used for better application performance. Laravel has a predefined function for handling cache operations like creating retrieving and deleting the cache. Before starting let’s understand cache : What is cache? A cache is a special storage space for temporary files that makes a device, browser, or

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Database Seeding in Laravel With Example

What is Database Seeding? Database seeding is the process of seeding a database with actual or dummy data, according to Wikipedia. Seeding a database is the process of providing an initial collection of data to a database after setup. It’s especially beneficial when we need to populate the database with data that we’ll need later.

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How to Seed JSON Data in Laravel?

Suppose we have created a JSON file for a particular task like a country list and we need to use it at multiple locations and process some operations like sorting, searching, filtering, etc. So we can handle it more easily and save processing time with databases instead of files. But converting JSON Data into the

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Debug Laravel Application with Laravel Debugbar

Debugging is a helpful feature for developers to identify the causes of issues. Nowadays it’s easy to debug applications because most of the modern application frameworks provide you with inbuilt debug functionality. The Symfony Framework implements by default a useful debugging bar. Laravel Debugbar package to integrate PHP Debug Bar with Laravel. It includes a

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