Convert HTML to PDF using JavaScript

Nowadays, exporting data to PDF is common. The PDF files can contain links, buttons, tables, and formatted data like doc files and can be electronically signed as actual documents. While providing bulk download functionality to users, PDF can be an idle choice. It can be useful to provide dynamically created data offline. There are plenty

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How to Convert Strings to Uppercase or Lowercase In JavaScript

JavaScript has in-built functions for strings like slice(), substring(), and replace() methods. Here, we will use in-built methods like toUpperCase() and toLowerCase(). In this tutorial, we will convert a string into uppercase and lowercase with JavaScript. Convert String Into Uppercase In JavaScript String conversion to uppercase is frequently used in web development. Here, we store

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Reload a Webpage using JavaScript

You have seen some websites that automatically refresh or reload the webpage after some specific time like 60 seconds. Also, you have noticed some website updates frequently. Auto refresh functionality is generally used to provide fresh content to a user without the user needing to perform any type of action. Webpages like live scores, result

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Get File Extension in JavaScript

While working with files, sometimes we need to validate file extensions or get file extensions for independent use like displaying files based on extensions. With HTML input, we can ask a user to upload a file to a webpage. Validating user input is necessary during file upload. It can be risky to enable users to

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Show Video Preview using JavaScript

Sometimes we face a requirement to show a video preview to a user before uploading it to the server. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter provide this type of functionality so users can see which video file is selected. We can create similar functionality for showing video previews easily using JavaScript. In this article,

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Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks

JavaScript frameworks have revolutionized web development, enabling developers to build powerful and dynamic applications efficiently. As technology progresses, new frameworks emerge, each with its own unique features and advantages. In this post, we’ll explore the top 10 JavaScript frameworks that are dominating the web development landscape in 2023. From established giants to up-and-coming stars, these

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