How to clear cache using artisan command in laravel

Laravel provides in-built functionality for caching. A cache is used for better application performance. Laravel has a predefined function for handling cache operations like creating retrieving and deleting the cache. Before starting let’s understand cache :

What is cache?

A cache is a special storage space for temporary files that makes a device, browser, or app run faster and more efficiently. When a user opens the application for the first time then Laravel creates a cache automatically.

Why is cache Used?

Generally, Cache is used to increase data retrieval performance by reducing the need to access the underlying slower storage layer. A cache can also be used for storing temporary data.

Laravel provides in-built functionality for caching. A cache is used for better application performance. Laravel has a predefined function for handling cache operations like creating retrieving and deleting the cache. Before starting let’s understand cache.

As mentioned Laravel Framework automatically generates cache files. But Sometimes, we need to clear those cache files.

For example, we have a home page of our application and used it for a while but later we made some other changes. In application cache files old version of your home page is stored whenever an existing users try to access that page there are chances for showing the old page. This problem can be solved by clearing view cache files.

In Laravel we can clear caches by two methods:

  • Using Terminal
  • Using Browser

Let’s take examples for them one by one:

Clear Cache in Laravel Application using Terminal

Generally, Cache is used to increase data retrieval performance by reducing the need to access the underlying slower storage layer. A cache can also be used for storing temporary data.

php artisan cache:clear

Clear Route Cache

Laravel automatically caches all routes but when you make changes to a route. you will face an error while accessing the new page. To clear route cache enter below command:

php artisan route:clear

Clear Configuration Cache

Below Command will clear the configuration cache which contains application configuration like database configuration, mail configuration, queue configuration, view configuration, and much more.

php artisan config:clear

Clear View Cache

Compiling views during the request may have a small negative impact on performance, so Laravel provides the view:cache Artisan command to precompile all of the views utilized by your application. You can clear the view cache by below command:

php artisan view:clear

Clear All Cache at Once

Laravel has a wildcard command to clear all types of caches like applications, routes, views, configuration, and files.

php artisan optimize:clear

Clear Cache in Laravel Application using Browser

Sometimes your hosting service provider/plan doesn’t provide terminal or SSH access. Then we can use this method to clear cache files using a browser.

As you know, you can run any console command using Artisan Facade in Laravel. So we can use routing to run those commands programmatically. We just need to define routes for this task. Here is an example of a sample route to clear caches by its type:

//To Clear application cache:
Route::get('/clear-cache', function() {
    $exitCode = Artisan::call('cache:clear');
    return 'Application cache has been cleared';

//To Clear route cache:
Route::get('/route-cache', function() {
    $exitCode = Artisan::call('route:cache');
    return 'Routes cache has been cleared';

//To Clear config cache:
Route::get('/config-cache', function() {
    $exitCode = Artisan::call('config:cache');
    return 'Config cache has been cleared';

//To Clear view cache
Route::get('/view-clear', function() {
    $exitCode = Artisan::call('view:clear');
    return 'View cache has been cleared';

// Optimize Clear Method
Route::get('/optimize:clear', function() {
    $exitCode = Artisan::call('optimize:clear');
    return 'All caches clear';