Custom Facades in Laravel with Example

While creating a Laravel application, you will see facades many times like route facades, cache facades, Auth, and many more. What are facades? Facades provide a static interface to classes that are available in the application’s service container. Laravel ships with many facades which provide access to almost all of Laravel’s features. In simple terms,

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Laravel Pagination Example

The main of this blog is to create simple pagination that will work with a database. For your better understanding, we have divided the program into some parts. let’s assume you have a Laravel application. If you don’t have any application then create a new application and perform further steps into it. Create Model and

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Laravel Custom Pagination Example

The main of this blog is to create simple custom pagination that will work with a database. For your better understanding, we have divided the program into some parts. let’s assume you have a Laravel application. If you don’t have any application then create a new application and try further steps into it. Create Model

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Create Custom Route Files in Laravel

If you are working with a large application in Laravel and you have different types of users then you have to create custom route files for user type in your application. for example, if you have user, manager, and admin three types of users then you have different prefixes like “user/“, “admin/“, and “/*” URL

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