Add or Minus Years from Carbon Date in Laravel

The best part of Laravel is it has a variety of open-source plugins available. One of them is Carbon. Carbon is a date-time package for Laravel or any other PHP-based framework. In this blog, we will see some practical examples to add or remove years from carbon date objects. Carbon provides a function for adding

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Disable Weekends in jQuery Datepicker

In web development, taking date input from users commonly occurs. The jQuery Date picker provides an excellent user interface and user experience. It also provides many functionalities like start date, end date, format date for user display and more. While taking date input sometimes we need to skip some dates or need to force a

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Getting User Time Zone through IP Address in PHP

When developing web applications, it’s often essential to provide a personalized experience for users based on their geographical location. One crucial aspect of personalization is displaying accurate date and time information in the user’s local time zone. In this article, we will explore how to retrieve a user’s time zone using their IP address in

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