Zip and Unzip Files in PHP

Compressing files when transferring them over the internet has a lot of advantages like it saves time and data transfer. With zip and unzip we can reduce file size and save lots of time while transferring. PHP comes with a lot of extensions that deal specifically with file compression and extraction. While working in PHP,

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How to Handle CSV Files in PHP?

Character Separated Values(CSV) or Comma Separated Values is a file type containing plain text content with a comma or a character as separators. PHP provides built-in functionality to read CSV files. Here, we will learn to use CSV data in our application using multiple methods. The first method will read data from a file while

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Laravel File Download and Upload

Nowadays, File upload and download functionality is almost mandatory. Laravel provides simple and easy ways to upload and download files. You can store these files in a public folder or local storage. In this blog, we will see some practical examples to upload and download files in Laravel. Here, we have used Test Controller and

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PHP File Download and Upload

Nowadays, File upload and download functionality is almost mandatory. PHP provides simple and easy ways to upload and download files. You can store these files in a public folder or local storage. In this tutorial, we will show you how you can upload files of various formats like .zip, .pdf, .docx, and .ppt, as well

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Get File Extension in JavaScript

While working with files, sometimes we need to validate file extensions or get file extensions for independent use like displaying files based on extensions. With HTML input, we can ask a user to upload a file to a webpage. Validating user input is necessary during file upload. It can be risky to enable users to

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Check File Exists or not Using PHP

While working with file download functionality with the database, we commonly face an error that says file not found. So if we add functionality to check file exists or not before the actual searching file then we can provide a better user experience. PHP provides many built-in functions to handle file operations easily. Some of

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How to Send Files via POST with cURL and PHP

Sending files through POST with cURL and PHP is a vital skill in web development. Whether you’re managing user-generated content or transferring data between applications, understanding file uploads is crucial. Creating the HTML Form Let’s start with a user-friendly HTML form. This form allows users to select the file they want to upload. Here’s how

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