Sending Mail in Laravel Using Mailtrap

There are plenty of ways or services to send E-mail in the Laravel application. The mail function is essential for these tasks, to register or notify the users, so it’s native in Laravel and provides a wide range of capabilities like integration for sending mail through multiple drivers like SMTP, Mailtrap, Mailgun, and Amazon SES.

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Send Emails in Laravel Using Google Mail

In this example, we will create a simple contact form. When users submit those details instead of storing those data we will directly send it to the responsible person using Google Mail. Sending an email is an essential part of every web application and there are plenty of ways or services to send E-mail in

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Laravel Custom Artisan Command Example

Sometimes your application needs to run administrative tasks periodically on the server. Whether you want to send out emails to your users or clean up the database’s temporary tables at the end of the day, you will need a task scheduling mechanism to take care of the tasks. Laravel provides an inbuilt scheduler and its

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XAMPP Configuration for Sending Mail

Nowadays, mail communication is common over mail in web applications. Those emails can be any type like notifications, OTP emails, password reset links, or just alert emails. Sometimes, mail configuration can be harder than sending mail as a beginner. In this blog, we will set up mail and enable XAMPP to send mail using the

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Implementing Mailgun in Laravel with Example

In today’s digital age, sending email is crucial for businesses. Laravel, one of the most popular PHP frameworks, provides robust support for email functionality. With Laravel, we can easily integrate any mail service providers like Mailtrap, Mailgun, or Gmail. In this post, we will implement Mailgun in Laravel with a practical example. By integrating Mailgun,

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