Everything You Need to Know About Laravel Caching

The cache is used to store data in a temporary or permanent environment for better performance and user experience. Caching is essential for achieving high performance and scalability. Setting up proper caching can reduce the load on the server and is helpful for minimal page response time. Laravel has in-built caching functionality with multiple options.

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Most Useful Array Function in PHP

In this tutorial, we will learn about PHP array functions and how to use them. Those array functions are in-built into PHP. There are many array functions in PHP but in this tutorial, we will see most common and regular-use functions with practical examples. Before starting, let’s know more about the array. What is an

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MySQL Database Connection Tutorial in PHP

While developing a dynamic website, the first thing we need to connect our database to a PHP application. Even small application that requires dynamic data needs a database connection. Without a database connection, we can’t perform any operations like create, read, update, and delete. In this tutorial, we will connect our PHP application with MySQL

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XAMPP Configuration for Sending Mail

Nowadays, mail communication is common over mail in web applications. Those emails can be any type like notifications, OTP emails, password reset links, or just alert emails. Sometimes, mail configuration can be harder than sending mail as a beginner. In this blog, we will set up mail and enable XAMPP to send mail using the

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Function in PHP with Types

In web development, It’s considered best practice to split code into small functions that can be reused in further applications per requirement. Before starting let’s understand more about functions. There are more than a thousand in-built functions provided by PHP like string functions, array functions, and more. What is Function? A function is a block

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Zip and Unzip Files in PHP

Compressing files when transferring them over the internet has a lot of advantages like it saves time and data transfer. With zip and unzip we can reduce file size and save lots of time while transferring. PHP comes with a lot of extensions that deal specifically with file compression and extraction. While working in PHP,

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Download and Upload Files Through FTP in PHP

Downloading or Uploading files to the server via FTP is an essential task for every web developer should know. There are many FTP clients available for handling files on the FTP server. You can also connect FTP server using a PHP script and handle file operations. PHP provides various functions to handle FTP server operations

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