Laravel Google Login Using Socialite

Nowadays, it’s common to provide login functionality using social media platforms like Google, Facebook, and Twitter, or developer platforms like GitHub. Normally all users are using Facebook, Gmail, etc. So if we provide a way to log in to our system they don’t have to fill out sign-up forms or they don’t need to remember

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Read XML File in Laravel

In this example, we will load an XML file and convert it into an array in the Laravel application. Before we start let’s know more about XML. What is XML? XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. It’s a markup language like HTML to store and transmit data. It has per-defined rules for encoding documents in

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Reading or parsing CSV File in Laravel

In this example, we will create a CSV file, read that CSV file from our controller and return CSV data as a JSON response in Laravel Application. What is CSV? The CSV stands for Comma Separated Values. It’s a plain text file that we can use to store information on a hard drive. In a

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Laravel Automatic Daily Database Backup Example

In software development, we need to be ready to handle server crashes or data being mistakenly and this can cause a lot of trouble for the business. So developing a system that takes database backup regularly is considered the best practice. Database backups are essential for protection against data loss that can disrupt operations and

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Everything You Need to Know About Laravel Caching

The cache is used to store data in a temporary or permanent environment for better performance and user experience. Caching is essential for achieving high performance and scalability. Setting up proper caching can reduce the load on the server and is helpful for minimal page response time. Laravel has in-built caching functionality with multiple options.

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Creating Custom Config File in Laravel

While developing web applications configuration plays a major role. Laravel framework makes it easy to handle configurations for complex applications with config files. All configuration files for the Laravel framework are stored in the config directory. In Laravel, you can create custom config files as per your requirements. You can also use the config() helper

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