Creating Custom Laravel Blade Directive

In Laravel development, efficiency is key. One powerful tool that often goes underutilized is the creation of custom Blade directives. These directives allow developers to streamline their code, enhance readability, and promote reusability. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of custom Blade directives in Laravel, exploring their benefits and providing practical examples

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Laravel CRUD Application

In this tutorial, we are going to create a Laravel application with CRUD operation. In programming, create, read, update, and delete are the four basic operations of data storage. We will give you a simple example of how to perform a CRUD operation in Laravel 8. Laravel is one of the most popular PHP-based frameworks

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Laravel Authentication Using Breeze

In this blog, you will learn to complete Laravel authentication with Breeze. Laravel Breeze provides the required methods for login, register, logout, forget password, profile, reset password page, email verification, and much more. Create Laravel Application First of all, Let’s create a new Laravel application. To create a new application, open the terminal or command

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