Mastering PHP Object Cloning: A Comprehensive Guide

PHP object cloning is a powerful feature that allows developers to create copies of existing objects. It enables the creation of new objects with identical properties and values, providing a convenient way to reuse and manipulate data.

In this article, we will understand what is object cloning in PHP and how it works with the help of examples.

Understanding PHP Object Cloning

In PHP, object cloning refers to the process of creating a duplicate of an existing object. It involves creating a new instance of a class that is a replica of the original object, including its properties and values. Object cloning is useful when you need to create multiple copies of an object without having to reinitialize its properties manually.

The syntax for Object Cloning

To clone an object in PHP, you can use the “clone” keyword followed by the object you want to clone. The syntax is as follows:

$clonedObject = clone $originalObject;

The clone keyword creates a copy of the object. In simple terms, it’s just like assigning the same value to a variable but without its references. However, if the original object contains references to other objects, those references will still point to the same memory locations in the cloned object. To create a deep copy (including references), additional steps need to be taken, which we will discuss later in this article.

Basic Object Cloning

Let’s consider a simple example to illustrate object cloning. Suppose we have a “Person” class with properties like “name” and “age.” We can clone an instance of this class using the following code:

class Person {
    public $name;
    public $age;

$person1 = new Person();
$person1->name = "John Doe";
$person1->age = 30;

$person2 = clone $person1;

echo $person2->name;  // Output: John Doe
echo $person2->age;   // Output: 30

In this example, we created an instance of the “Person” class, assigned values to its properties, and then cloned it to create a new object named Person 2. The cloned object retains the same values as the original object.

So whenever we try to access the object property it will return cloned property and further, it operates as a separate object.

Deep Object Cloning

To create a deep copy of an object, including its references, we need to implement the magic method __clone() in the class definition. Let’s extend our previous example to demonstrate deep object cloning:

class Person {
    public $name;
    public $age;
    public function __clone() {
        $this->name = 'Cloned';

$person1 = new Person();
$person1->name = "John Doe";
$person1->age = 30;

$person2 = clone $person1;

echo $person1->name;  // Output: John Doe
echo $person2->name;  // Output: Cloned

In the above example, whenever a user creates a clone of the Person class __clone() method automatically modifies the name property for cloned object and set an assigned value for it. However, the original object will be untouched.


PHP object cloning provides a convenient way to create copies of objects, allowing developers to reuse and manipulate data efficiently. By understanding the basics of PHP object cloning and utilizing it in your projects, you can improve code organization and simplify object manipulation.